There are numerous ways to get connected at Silverdale Church, but before we detail those, it is important to understand our heart. Quite simply, we are an all-ages family on a mission together. There is something special about ‘together’ – it has a powerful dynamic. In short, we are better – together!

Additionally, when we say family, we mean a kingdom family where everybody is welcome. We love it when people are free to be their true, authentic self in God. Family is not about everyone being the same, but rather having a high value for unity whilst acknowledging and honouring each other’s respective gifts, calling and grace flow. 


Quite simply, we are an all-ages family on a mission together.


When we gather together with common purpose and each do our part, complimenting one another in the process, amazing things can be achieved for the Kingdom! 

Both the Sunday Temple (all in service) and especially the Sunday Table (smaller groups in homes) are great ways to meet people. Over and above that we have various interest groups (e.g., the Business Collective) and points of contact such as our Young Families Group, regular courses, and frequent lunches!

We cannot wait for you to make new friends at church, find an activity, interest group and/or place to serve so that you can feel a part of the family and thereby gain a real sense of belonging!