As a growing Church we have many fantastic opportunities for you to serve and support. It is excellent to bring one’s Time & talent (and Treasure) to build the Church. For that, we are very appreciative.

We are sure that you already know this, but it is worth repeating. That is - serving is one of the best ways to meet new people and build relationships!


Serving is one of the best ways to meet new people and build relationships!


We recommend that everybody serves in at least one area within the church and/or the wider community endeavour that we support. 

You will note that we only say 'one thing' as we appreciate the busy world that we live in and the demand that is already on people’s lives.

In fact, we have a motto – ‘do one thing and do it well.’

For more specific volunteering details (and application forms for the particular areas) please check out the information stand in the auditorium or ask the helpful people at the information station on a Sunday.

Thank you for getting involved!